Farm Journal

A decade in, the farm has found its own rhythm, like a well-worn record—crackling and occasionally stuttering, but somehow just right. The light falls a certain way, and the smell...
A decade in, the farm has found its own rhythm, like a well-worn record—crackling and occasionally stuttering, but somehow just right. The light falls a certain way, and the smell...

Postcard from Late August
Summer’s slipped by too fast, like spring and winter before it, and the kids are growing up. Each year, the realization that this parenting gig is just a fleeting collection...
Postcard from Late August
Summer’s slipped by too fast, like spring and winter before it, and the kids are growing up. Each year, the realization that this parenting gig is just a fleeting collection...

Kalama Mountain Timber Market
Our new florist shop is on schedule to open in Kalama on November 1st. We've been enjoying watching the building progress of the new market and getting a chance to meet the other vendors.
Kalama Mountain Timber Market
Our new florist shop is on schedule to open in Kalama on November 1st. We've been enjoying watching the building progress of the new market and getting a chance to meet the other vendors.